Why attend the Workshop?
In order to achieve successful and stable results in terms of safety, it is essential to know the principles that regulate the management of human factors in companies.
In these workshops you will learn the keys to implement a solid preventive culture in your measurable and sustainable business, such as implementing an effective safety program
behavior and the key behaviors of effective leadership in safety through the successful experience in a Company of the Great Copper Mining.
The design and implementation of human factors programs in the largest copper company in the world. This experience will add value to the attendees who will have
tools applicable to the context of their own company.
What topics will be addressed?
- Key factors to implement a preventive culture.
- The participation factor and the management of preventive tools.
- The management of preventive behavior.
- Key Behaviors of Effective Leadership in Safety.
Addressed to:
- Directors, Managers, Chiefs, Superintendents, HS and HR Coordinators.
- Experts and consultants in SSO.
- Specialists in Human Factors.
- Professionals in general linked to the management of HS and HR of the sectors:
Mining, Energy, Construction, Hydrocarbons and Industry in general.
It includes:
- Certificate (evaluation)
- Folder of theoretical material – practical
- Coffee breaks and lunches
Reports and Registration:
- Telephone: + 51-13482161
- Email: capacitacion@hsecconsulting.com
Download registration form